Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bon Appétit

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Unite Bon Appétit CAHIER

Question Essentielle:

Comment est-ce que nos repas sont similaires ou différents des repas dans certains pays francophones?

Communicative Goals - Intermediate Low Proficiency Target

Interpersonal Speaking:
I can ask and answer questions about meal times in Francophone countries.
I can inquire about food and place an order.
I can ask about prices and pay the check.
I can give an opinion, offer, accept and refuse food.

Presentational Speaking:
I can describe what people in some Francophone cultures eat and drink.
I can retell a story about a meal in a Francophone country.
I can role play a scene in a simulated French cafe.

Presentational Writing:
I can write about mealtimes in Francophone countries.
I can summarize a story about a meal.
I can prepare a writing review about the simulated “café français” in French.

Interpretive Listening: I can understand basic information in simple recordings about meals (IM), and conversations in a typical French restaurant.

Interpretive Reading: I can understand basic information in texts and authentic menus about foods/meals. (IM)

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