EFFECTIVE 5/4/2020
Click here for Textivate Passwords
- We will NOT be meeting today.
- Complete this Google Form for attendance.
- Today will be a make-up day! Please use this class time to check Powerschool, and be sure to EMAIL ME if you complete ANY late or missing work as I will not know otherwise and your grade will stay a zero. I am also available if you’d like to request a meeting!
- Thank you class for the great feedback! You can expect some changes after the break such as:
- You will go to Classwork on Google Classroom for all assignments, no more blog!
- We will plan to meet on Mondays as a whole class, with Wednesday being an optional “french café” come if you want to share a snack and speak en français!
- Fridays will be a make-up day, or a day to privately Meet with Madame if needed.
- We will continue with music (but may break it up over the week with a “song of the week”) instead of one day.Bonnes vacances à tous! Enjoy your Spring break and I'll see you in May! Until then (à la prochaine... Madame :)
- We will NOT be meeting today.
- Please omplete the Google Form for attendance and a short survey on Google Classroom.
- Also on Google classroom, do the Show & Tell assignment, turn in.
- Do this GIMKIT Faisons les magasins! to practice our new vocabulary.
- All missing work is due TOMORROW!
- Please complete the Google form for attendance on Classroom.
- C’est musique mercredi!!🎶 Complete the assignment on Google classroom for our song of the week, “Mon precieux” by Soprano.
- Come to our meeting at 1:30PM!
- Qu’est-ce que c’est que ca?!
- E/R liste de vocabulaire
- Jouez Quizlet.live
- Lyricstraining demo (Madame to introduce for future songs of the week)
- Please fill out the attendance form on Google Classroom.
- We will not be meeting today.
- Read the Show & Tell 2 document from class yesterday. Then do this Textivate Qu’est-ce que c’est que ca?! Remember the username is kingswood1 and click here for your student passwords Textivate Passwords
- Continue working on the new vocabulary and finish the list on cahier pp.7-8 using the "EXTRA" vocab on p. 4, or by clicking on the Quizlet tab for a list. Select a google image for the "dessinez column." You may turn in when done.
- Please check Powerschool for missing work, being sure to email me if you complete things. The quarter ends on FRIDAY!
- A demain et bonne journée la classe! ~Mme
- Complete the Google form for attendance.
- Please come to our Google meeting at 1:30PM!
- New unit: Faisons les magasins!
- Vocabulary preview
- Go to Google classroom for your new cahier. Complete vocab on page 6 only today (scroll down). Lists may be found in the document under “Extra vocab” or by going to Quizlet tabs. Instead of drawing, find a google image to insert into the last column for the words. The rest of the list will be due on Wednesday, so please DO NOT turn this in today so you can continue to work on it the next couple of days.
- Please remember that ALL parts for Brandon Brown evaluation are due by the end of the day today!
- Merci et bonne journée~Mme
- Complete the Google form for attendance.
- Please turn in your interpretive listening tables (the ones you filled out after watching student videos) on Google Classroom.
- Complete the BB evaluation on Google Classroom.
- If you have not done your speaking summary be sure to do that too.
- Also, I’m sure you have heard we are now in this for the long haul...I will do the best I can to make it interesting and interactive, giving you as much French as I can so that you continue to learn. I am seeing progress in your writings, and in your French speaking! Particularly with accents, Vous parlez bien la classe!
- We will start a new unit next week called Faisons les magasins! (Let’s go shopping!) and maybe try a new OWI...
- Until then,...A la prochaine et bon weekend la classe!!
Le championnat Manie Musicale 2020!!!
- Please complete the google form for attendance.
- There will be NO meeting today :(
- Watch 2 more videos (if available on Google Classrom), and fill out tables. If there are no videos posted, make sure your tables are complete and turn in for your listening grade for the unit evaluation.
- Finish the Bon appetit Presentational Writing you started on Google Classroom yesterday, turn in by 2:30.
- Tomorrow (FRIDAY) you will have a speaking/listening/reading/writing evaluation for our book, BB veut un chien. This evaluation is similar to the one you took for Les grandes vacances. Here is the writing prompt and rubric.
- We will not be meeting tomorrow. I will post the BB evaluation. Remember to submit a speaking video (summary of the book using pictures). I will also be available for any questions!
- *NEW: Please complete the Google Form on Google classroom daily for attendance!
- Go to Google Classroom and watch videos, day 3! Then complete your interpretive listening grid for the 2 videos viewed. You all are doing such a great job with these, I am really enjoying seeing you all "shine" on camera!
- Come to our Google Meeting at 1:30PM for a culture recap from the unit, in preparation for a writing assignment .
- After our meeting and discussion, go to Google Classroom and start the Bon Appetit Writing Evaluation, this is due on THURSDAY.
- We will have an evaluation on Brandon Brown veut un chien on FRIDAY. Practice for the Speaking part as you will give a story summary using the pictures you drew yesterday.
- We will NOT be meeting today since we are unable to view the recipe videos as a class, so please watch the two for today, posted on Google Classroom and be sure to continue to fill out your listening tables posted yesterday.
- Review this story summary here for BB veut un chien. Repeat it aloud and use gestures. Then complete the Listening assignment (drawings) on Google Classroom. You will use these pictures to help you on your Speaking assessment THURSDAY.
- Complete the EdPuzzle on Google Classroom (think about the culture/le petit dejeuner français.)
- There will be a writing evaluation TOMORROW for Bon Appetit. This will be culture focused (French vs American meals and eating habits). You will be able to use all resources from the unit, and this will be written IN FRENCH!
- Please come to the Google Meeting at 1:30PM!
- Review BB story summary w/gestures! Prepare for end of book evaluation end of the week.
- Watch the 2 videos below from your classmates. Complete the interpretive listening sheet on google classroom.
- Vote for Match #13!
- Complete the EdPuzzle on Google Classroom, this will count as your attendance today.
- Today is a “Catch up day!” We will NOT be meeting. Please work on preparing for and recording your videos, these are due on MONDAY. Also, Check Powerschool for any missing work/zeroes. Email Madame when you complete any missing work to let me know otherwise I do not know it is done.
- Bon weekend la classe!
- I’m looking forward to seeing some great videos! :)
- Review the summary of the book BB veut un chien
- Then, do the BB dictation quiz V/F on Google Classroom.
- We will NOT be meeting today, so that you can work on your cooking videos. Follow steps 3 & 4 HERE and use as much French vocabulary from our units as you can (Bon Appetit Vocab 1&2 lists on Quizlet) Don't forget the French connection and your creative flair!
- Work on your projects, they will be due Monday.
- Please email me or comment on Classroom with any questions you may have!
- Go to Google Classroom and put the BB veut un chien summary in order. Turn in when done.
- Do the EdPuzzle on Google Classroom for interpretive listening practice- "Trotro sait faire tout seul!"
- Review the Cooking vocab lists on the Quizlet tab.
- Come to the Google Meeting to play quizlet live, reviewing vocab for your video projects!
- Work on your projet, Preparez un repas, Deuxieme pas (Step #2, write out your script!) Click HERE for project guidelines. Your videos will be due on Monday! We will NOT be meeting tomorrow so that you can have time to work on your presentations.
- Check out this infographic. Complete your Bon Appetit cahier page 9, just the parts labeled: Key Word Recognition and What is the main idea of this infographic? Skip supporting details. Then turn to page 10 and do Comparing Cultural Perspectives question #2 only.
- Join us at the Google Meeting at 1:30PM! Bracket points??
- Question du jour: Bon Appetit journal #17
- Discuss infographic
- We will finish the book BB veut un chien!
- Chantez🎵Bon anniversaire à BB
- Read this summary of the book BB veut un chien
- Review key vocabulary words you may want for your video on Quizlet
- Complete this Textivate for BB veut un chien (summary). Remember username is kingswood1 Click here for Textivate Passwords
- Vote for MM #10 HERE!
- Work on video project planning! Click HERE for project guidelines.
- Please come to the Google Meeting at 1:30!
- Question du jour??
- Come with your BB books, Madame will read aloud BB chapitre 9.
- Discuss video recipe project,"Preparez un repas." See the project link HERE.
- Question of the Day...Qu'est-ce que tu aimes au Printemps? (What do you like about Spring time?)
- Complete the EdPuzzle on Google Classroom.
- Complete the FM activities for BB chapitre 9.
- Work on project Step 1 (choose your meal to present).
- Remember to vote for Match #10!
- Please join us for a Google Meeting at 1:30! We will review the sentences you will hear in today's interpretive listening evaluation by playing "Charlala" (the drawing game).
- Available at 1:30PM: Complete the interpretive listening for BB veut un chien, chapitres 6-8 on Google Classroom.
- Don't forget to vote HERE for Match #9!
- Bon weekend! Have a safe and restful weekend :)
- Come to our google meeting if you can at 1:30PM!
- Play the "virtual dice game" to review "-IR" verbs.
- Review Vocab 2, cahier pp.5-6 by playing Quizlet.live (If you are not at the meeting, review by playing this GIMKIT)
- Go to Google classroom and translate the summary into ENGLISH.
- Re-read BB chapters 6-8 on your own. There will be a listening quiz tomorrow based on the statements you translated above on google classroom. We will attempt to play "charlala" (drawing game) tomorrow to review before the quiz if you are able meet!
- Don't forget to vote HERE for Match #9!
"C'est le poisson d'avril!" Watch the video above for a Canadian legend!
- Please join us if you can for a Google Meeting at 1:30!
- QDJ: Une betise: Tell us a trick you have played on someone....April 1st?
- 🎶 Manie Musicale Bracket: Combien de points?
- Review les devoirs on cahier p.65 (parlez ensemble!)
- Chantez IR verbs
- Jouez Kahoot (IR verbs/Partitif "de")
- Complete Vocab 2 on Quizlet and cahier pp.5-6
- Read BB chapitre 8 and do Fluency Matters activities
- Don't forget to vote for Match #8
Watch this video above, do not pay too much attention to the "present participle" she mentions at the beginning, focus more on "-IR" conjugation (starting around 2:24)
- If you are able, join us for Google Meet at 1:30. Come with your BB books!
- Review Bon Appetit journal #15 & 16. (forgot this from yesterday:)
- Song "-IR" verbs
- Lisez BB veut un chien - acteurs/readers??
- Log onto Fluency Matters and complete the activities for chapitre 7
- Complete Bon Appetit cahier p.65.
- Remember to vote Match #7! Click HERE to vote!
Chez Petit Robert Bistro
- Google Meeting @ 1PM! Come with your BB books!
- Manie Musicale: Combien de points as-tu?
- Question du jour: Qu'est-ce que tu as pris (past of prendre) pour le petit dejeuner?
- Get feedback on FM activities & current workload.
- Go over Bon Appetit journal #15 & 16.
- Review restaurant expressions on cahier pp.4&6.
- Talk about the video (Chez Petit Robert Bistro featuring Madame et Guillaume) What drinks were offered? What did the waiter suggest to have to eat? What did Madame order? Can you find the "blooper"?
- Listen to the Manie Musicale playlist (click HERE) while Complete cahier pp.62-63 to practice the expressions from today!
- Go to Youtube, and search for a "Trotro" episode in FRENCH. Listen to the show, then go to google classroom and type a 2-3 sentence summary in ENGLISH of what happens in the show. This will count as your attendance.
- I miss you class! I hope to see you all on Monday, when we hopefully get our wifi back!
- Read the top of cahier p.64 (Bon appetit packet) about the partitive article. Complete this page. Articles are tricky and take a lot of time to learn so take it slow :)
- Take a break "off screen" and read chapter 6 of Brandon Brown. This will be a new chapter for you. When you are done, log on to Fluency Matters and do the activities for chapter 6.
- Right now our router is down at my home so I will do my best to keep in touch!
- Follow this presentation and write down your answers to the numbers on the document assigned in Google Classroom.
- Go to Fluency Matters and do BB veut un chien, chapitre 5. Complete the activities for chapter 5 only for a quiz grade today.
- Correct page cahier p.70 and email Madame with any questions. Note: Apprendre = to learn Comprendre = to understand Reprendre = to have again/to have more
**** I have no wifi at my house right now, so if you have a questions and I don't get right back to you I will as soon as I can :)
4. Don't forget to vote HERE for Match #5
- Bonjour la classe!! Go to Google Classroom and find your Bon Appetit journal. Scroll down and do #15. You will translate the paragraph into ENGLISH. Remember the irregular verb "prendre" can mean "to take" (like BB prend le chiot), but also can mean, "to have to eat" (Ce matin, je prends des cereales).
- Review Madame's video presentation for the Vocab 1 list. If this video doesn't load (I had some trouble saving it this morning, click HERE to review without me. There will be a listening quiz tomorrow on this same presentation.
- Go to Fluency Matters and read BB veut un chien, chapitres 3-4. Complete the activities for both chapters as a review.
- Practice using the verb "prendre" by completing cahier page 70.
- Don't forget to vote HERE by 9:00PM for your song, Match #4.
Bonjour la classe! J'éspère que vous avez passé un bon weekend :)
Today in class:
- Click on the OWI tab and review “Capitaine!”
- Take the quiz on OWI! Click here to listen to Madame’s true/ false statements on Flipgrid. Copy down the sentences you hear on a piece of paper. Then type them out on the google classroom document. Submit when done.
- Click on the link that was sent to you in your email from Fluency Matters. As a review for our class book, you will listen to the first two chapters of Brandon Brown veut un chien. Complete ALL activities for both chapiters.
- Need a “Petit break?” Click here for song winner #1“Just Dance” video for “Comme ci comme ca
- Don’t forget to Vote for Match #4!! HERE.
When remote learning begins, based on FRIDAY MARCH 20, you will begin working below. I will continue to use Blogger as a home base, and link to websites from there. I will also be using Google classroom for assignments and most likely videos of myself for instruction. We are in the process of increasing bandwidth at my home, so unfortunately for now I am limited with using Google Meet as I have 3 children also on line at home. While this is not the best scenario for language learning (I'm really going to miss our daily conversations!:) I know we can do the best we can, and that is all I ask of you.
I have signed you up for an e-course for our book we have been reading, Brandon Brown veut un chien. You should be receiving an email about how to access your account. Please do not complete any activities yet. I am just setting this up and learning as I go! This website will allow you to have a digital access to the book which will also allow for audio reading and activities. We will talk more during Google Meet tomorrow, also I will be giving you instructions here daily!
Your brain is designed to learn language by reading and listening to French that it can make sense of. While you are not in French class, you will continue to improve your French proficiency by reading and listening to music.
I am going to try a Google Meet at 1:30PM on Friday from my home. We will see how it goes. I would really like to ask you all how you are doing, even if it's simply a "question du jour" to start class and just to touch base with you. You will receive an email invitation Friday around 1:25PM . Come join us if you can!!
3. Review vocab 1 list on cahier pp.3-4. Click here for the list if you do not have your cahier. Click on the Quizlet tab and review there as well. Play this GIMKIT.
4. Next on the agenda will be music with our Manie Musicale 2020! The first day will be devoted to filling out your bracket. Click here for a video tutorial done by Madame of how to fill out your bracket. Then find your bracket to fill in on Google Classroom. Turn in after you have filled in all of the squares. See playlist HERE for videos. Since we are a few days behind, you will start voting on vote #3 (see website for voting page HERE) then you will score points each day thereafter on your bracket.
Make sure you scroll down to the correct day for classwork/homework!
WEDNESDAY (class schedule)
- Questions du jour?? Collect homework, crossword puzzle BB chapitre 4.
- Journal Bon Appetit #13
- OWI - Review "Capitaine" true/false game
- Perform BB chapitre 5. Complete chapitre 5 comprehension questions.
- Musique mercredi! Listening activity lyrics fill in, perform this dictation dictee & watch the video.
- Complete cahier p.61
- Review vocabulary & expressions from the cahier vocab 1 list pp.1-2 with this GIMKIT
- Quiz on OWI character "Capitaine" on Friday
- Journal Bon Appetit #12 copy weekend phrases.
- Review OWI, jouez au ballon Q/R
- Animal sounds group activity. Complete word search for chapitre 3 with partner. Read BB chapitre 4 with acteurs.
- NEW cahier - "Bon Appétit!"
- Presentations of vocabulary with images
- Complete cahier pp.1-2
- Complete BB chapitre 4 crossword puzzle
- Finish vocabulary list on cahier pp.1-2. Please do not sign into Quizlet. If Quizlet requires you to sign in to see my list, please use google translate instead for English translations.
- Complete this Textivate for our OWI character, Capitaine., for FRIDAY.
Bon retour des vacances! (Welcome Back from vacation)
Make sure to scroll down for the correct day!
VENDREDI (Friday class schedule)
- Question du jour!
- Another T'Choupi story
- Evaluation: Les grandes vacances du Petit Nicolas
- Speaking- due by 2:30. Record your Presentational Speaking assessment part of the evaluation (the vacation summary) on Google Classroom. Our class code is:watpyta Remember you are using only your drawings and 10 key words. SHOW me the paper you are looking at in your video.
- Listening: Grab some headphones and a chromebook and complete page 2 of your test by listening to Madame's video here on Flipgrid. There is a word bank of answers, try your best to write in complete sentences.
- Reading: Complete the top of page 3 filling in the blanks for the appropriate character - there is one blank for each person.
- Writing: Part 1-Using your notes, write about your trip or another person's trip (or Nicolas'). Use details to stretch your language! Part 2-Complete the cultural comparison in ENGLISH.
- Be sure to attach all notes to your test when handing in! Please sit quietly (you may use your chromebook or read) while waiting for others to finish. If time we will watch a movie.
- Ed Puzzle Petit ours brun decouvre la mer
- Les grandes vacances de Madame presentation - 3rd person
- Speaking practice with your cahier p.12 illustrations with a partner
- Running dictée PN resume!
- BB chapitre 2/les devoirs &chapitre 3 (acteurs).
- Practice Presentational Speaking for video recording!
- Prepare notes for writing (use Venn Diagrams for English writing about culture:What do the French do and where do they go typically for vacations, Americans? Use back of paper for French writing notes. Include as many details as you can in your writing to "stretch your language skills!
- DUE BY 2:30 FRIDAY: Record your Presentational Speaking assessment part of the evaluation (the vacation summary) on Google Classroom. Our class code is:watpyta Remember you are using only your drawings and 10 key words. SHOW me the paper you are looking at in your video.
- Infographique les grandes vacances et les français/ Journal questions, see #8 this document
- OWI a lire
- Ecoutez et Dessinez (Listen & Draw) from Petit Nicolas
- Charlala - Resume Petit Nicolas
- Mercredi Musique! Dictee/video/paroles (lyrics)
- Read BB chapitre 2, complete comprehension questions.
- Make illustrations from the trip you wrote about from cahier p.12. Use the squared paper handed out in class. Make 6 drawings and you may also use 10 key French words.
- Read aloud "T'Choupi"
- Presentation - les grandes vacances de Madame
- Cahier p.16 Grammar: le passé composé
- BB chapitre 1 interro!
- OWI à finir!
- Complete cahier p.12 for a past trip or talking about something you did over the summer break.
- Question du jour?? Presentation Madame.
- Jouez 2 verites et 1 mensonge -les vacances! (2 truths/1 lie)
- Volunteers to share les vacances - Write & Discuss
- Brandon Brown (BB) veut un chien, chapitre 1. Complete "Cognates" handout for chapter 1.
- OWI! Create character #2.
- Copy and translate the Write & Discuss for today in your journal.
- Re-read BB chapter 1.
Due to our early dismissal today, and assembly tomorrow, the schedule below will be for THURSDAY's CLASS. *Note vocab quiz (dictation) will be on FRIDAY.
vendredi le 21 fevrier
- QDJ / T'Choupi
- Interro dictée
- Participation Rubrics
- Regardez Petit Nicolas avec du popcorn :-)
jeudi le 20 fevrier
- EdPuzzle Trotro part en vacances - record vocab words
- Vocab 2 Quizlet
- Practice for interro dictee/Vocab 1 pictionary
- PN Cahier pp.7-8
- Regardez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete cahier pp. 9-10. Study vocab on cahier pp.14-15. Listen to the words on Quizlet. (There will be a vocab dictation quiz on FRIDAY!)
lundi le 17 fevrier
- Question du jour / Le weekend - 4 coins
- Petit Nicolas Vocabulaire / Jouez Charlala
- PN Cahier p.6 example sentence starters (avec vocab)
- Regardez le film with the introduction of characters (les personnages)
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete cahier p.16 Vocab 2 list (see Quizlet tab for list). Study the vocabulary list on pages14-15, there will be a dictation quiz (interro dictee) THURSDAY!!
vendredi le 14 fevrier
Je t'aime!
Je vous aime!
mercredi le 12 fevrier
For cahier p.3:
D'apres = according to autres = others l'affiche = poster vetements = clothing
Je t'aime!
Je vous aime!
- Question du jour / Mot du jour!
- Les posters (PN) dictee journals
- Les devoirs, cahier p.3
- Bande annonce, cahier p.4
- Petit tableaux, cahier p.5
- Vocab - Gimkit
- Regardez le film (avec un chocolat:)
- BON WEEKEND! Et Bon St. Valetin!
mercredi le 12 fevrier
- Question du jour - choose word from vocab list of one thing you did yesterday
- Vocab game on board (jeu au tableau)
- Journal: Exemple Madame, copy & translate
- OWI: Un exemple / parlez avec partenaire
- Brain Break! / Week 1 Evaluation
- If finished, complete PN Activité 1, cahier p.3
- Also review vocab on Quizlet tab / Jouez Gimkit
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish Activite 1, cahier p.3 if you did not in class. Also study vocab list on Quizlet.
For cahier p.3:
D'apres = according to autres = others l'affiche = poster vetements = clothing
For cahier p.4:
raconter = to tell about d'accord= to agree moyen = means
lundi le 10 fevrier
mercredi le 5 fevrier
mardi le 4 fevrier
lundi le 3 fevrier
raconter = to tell about d'accord= to agree moyen = means
lundi le 10 fevrier
- Question du jour!
- Dessinez le weekend / Copiez les phrases au journal
- Review for Week 1 Evaluation to be given on WEDNESDAY!
- Review Write & Discuss
- Review OWI / Ecoutez et dessinez (listen & draw)
- Chantez gestes/ Cercle #'s
- Review vocabulary list on pages 14-15 of your cahier. This was due last WED. Review vocab on Quizlet / Gimkit
- LES DEVOIRS: Study for our evaluation on Wednesday: Review Write & Discuss document (copied in your journal as well) and OWI document.
mercredi le 5 fevrier
- Question du jour??
- Presentation QDJ
- Les devoirs/Intro to Textivate
- Musique Mercredi video/paroles avec gestes /cercle
- Les vacances du Petit Nicolas vocab cahier pp.14-15
- LES DEVOIRS: Do this Textivate JFB & finish vocab list you started in class by going to the Quizlet tab and clicking on Vocab 1 (Les vacances du Petit Nicolas)
mardi le 4 fevrier
- Question du jour??
- First Day Presentation
- Cercle
- Review Write & Discuss
- Card talk 2 more!
- OWI to finish
- LES DEVOIRS: Copy the sentences from today's class Write & Discuss in FRENCH in your notebook, then translate those sentences into ENGLISH after.
lundi le 3 fevrier
- Question du jour!
- First Day Presentation
- Cercle!
- Course Expectation Sheet
- OWI - One Word Image
- LES DEVOIRS (Homework): Course expectation sheet, signed.
Noemie Textivate 3&4
Final Exam Listening/Reading part will be on WEDNESDAY
Final Exam is on THURSDAY
jeudi le 30 janvier
- Final exam!
- Click on links to Flipgrid below for listening sections 1-3:
- Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 3
- Reading section
- OWI Character
- Handwrite planning sheet sentences on white lined paper given to you.
- Illustrate your character (IN COLOR) on white cardstock given to you.
- Staple your notes, sentences and drawing to test booklet.
- Merci la classe et bonne chance!
- Extra credit (Noemie) dans la boite!
- Senegal Presentation - Kayla & Dakota
- Final exam listening & reading sections
- Kahoot - vocab review for your OWI character
- Prepare for tomorrow's final using this planning sheet
- Bring prepared notes/planning sheet to use tomorrow! Bonne chance :)
mardi le 28 janvier
- OWI Listening Practice
- Senegal Presentations
- Presentation/Noemie à finir
- Vocab review - Kahoot
- OWI Planning sheet / listening & reading part of final will be tomorrow!
lundi le 27 janvier
- Senegal Presentations
- Noemie leçon 5
- LES DEVOIRS: Review vocabulary on the Quizlet tab- Faire les magasins/A la maison
jeudi le 23 janvier
- Dansez 5!
- Kahoot - Senegal
- Projets (Presentez lundi/mardi)
- Noemie lecon 5 (cahier ck questions lecons 3 & 4)
jeudi le 23 janvier
mercredi le 22 janvier
mardi le 21 janvier
- La ville de Quebec
- Cercle - Dans le temps (Downtown)
- Noemie
- Presentation
- Dictee / lecon 4 / questions
- Projet Senegal
- LES DEVOIRS: Noemie Textivate 3&4
mercredi le 22 janvier
- Lisez 5
- Noemie
- Presentation
- Dictee / leçon 3
- Questions leçon 3
- EdPuzzle: Faada Freddy Senegal
- Projet Senegal en groupes!
mardi le 21 janvier
- Noemie
- Presentation
- Lecon 2 questions
- Textivate 1&2
- Projet Senegal!
- Video
- Feuille / Groupes
vendredi le 17 janvier
BTB #3 dans la boite
- QDJ/Journal PC
- Vocab Allons en ville
- Images
- Cahier p.13
- Quizlet/Gimkit
- Noemie Presentation
- Regardez Lecon 2
mercredi le 15 janvier
- Qu'est-ce que tu aimes?
- Present plans, cahier p.8
- Noemie le secret
- Bande annonce
- Cahier p.5 Highlight vocab words
- Dictee, lecon 1 Journal / Correct with cahiers
- Regardez lecon 1 / questions
- Cahiers: Allons en ville!
- LES DEVOIRS: Allons en ville cahier, vocab p.3
mardi le 14 janvier
- Qu'est-ce que tu aimes?
- OWI interro V/F
- Journal: La maison dictee
- Jouez Kahoot - A la maison
- Presentez les plans! Cahier p.8 (Collect cahiers)
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete this Participation Rubric
lundi le 13 janvier
- Lisez 5!
- OWI a lire
- Journal: La maison dictee
- Les maisons!
- House plans are due tomorrow - be ready to show them to your groups. Plans need to be completed by the end of class!! Make sure to follow requirements and rubric found HERE (and also in your cahier on pp.6-7)
- Finish book test if you have not completed it (Writing & Speaking!)
UPDATE: Book Evaluation Obsession Dangereuse will be on FRIDAY
Review the Obsession Dangereuse (OD) book presentation HERE
vendredi le 10 janvier
- Practice Speaking using your drawings with a partner
- Evaluation - Obsession Dangereuse
- Click here for Flipgrid Test Speaking
- Click here for Flipgrid Test Listening
- Les maisons (house plans)
- Plans need to be completed by the end of class on MONDAY. Make sure to follow requirements and rubric found HERE (and also in your cahier on pp.6-7)
jeudi le 9 janvier
- Parlez avec partenaire (complete this worksheet)
- Free write: Ta maison "Dans ma maison, il y a..."
- Obsession Dangereuse Review for tomorrow's evaluation
- Review presentation & questions for Listening portion of evaluation
- Shrinking Summary (les devoirs)
- Running dictation (put 6 phrases in order!)
- Ecoutez et dessinez
- Les maisons de reve - Complete 1st and 2nd floors! Be sure to review rubric & requirements
- LES DEVOIRS: Practice your speaking summary! Review comments from last evaluation (Le Rocket) to see where you can improve :)
mercredi le 8 janvier
- QDJ / PC Review
- "Divine Design" (CW)
- OD - Lisez ch 12
- Summary of Obsession Dangereuse- Ecoutez summary
- Highlight Passe Compose
- Cercle (PC)
- Les maisons de reve - 2nd floor/website
- LES DEVOIRS: Shrinking Summary handout. Choose 6 sentences from the typed summary I gave you in class (think about the main events of the book).
mardi le 7 janvier
- Infographique - Accidents a la maison
- Journal - OWI Q/R
- OD - lisez ch 11 (acteurs)
- Lisez cette infographique en groupes, cahier p.5
- Maison de reve - cahier pp.6-7, 1st floor sketch/explore website
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish 1st floor sketch on graph paper (label rooms and items IN FRENCH)
- Textivate - Jim due TOMORROW!
lundi le 6 janvier
- QDJ le weekend corvées
- Journal - cahier p.11
- OD - Lisez ch 10
- Les maisons du monde Présentation
- EdPuzzle La maison de Trotro - TUESDAY
- Textivate - Jim - WEDNESDAY
- Obsession Dangereuse Evaluation on THURSDAY
Bonne Année 2020!
vendredi le 3 janvier
jeudi le 2 janvier
- OD, Presentation et lisez chapitre 9
- Les devoirs / cahier ck
- Ou est l'ours (la maison)
- Vocab Review Jeu: Quizlet/Gimkit?
jeudi le 2 janvier
- QDJ Bonnes resolutions!
- Journal - les vacances & copy phrases
- Ecoutez - video & worksheet
- OD, Presentation et lisez chapitre 9
- OWI!
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.19
vendredi le 20 decembre
jeudi le 19 decembre
mercredi le 18 decembre
mardi le 17 decembre
lundi le 16 decembre
vendredi le 13 decembre
jeudi le 12 decembre
mercredi le 11 decembre
mardi le 10 decembre
lundi le 9 decembre
vendredi le 6 decembre
jeudi le 5 decembre
mercredi le 4 decembre
mardi le 3 decembre
vendredi le 22 novembre
jeudi le 21 novembre
mercredi le 20 novembre
mardi le 19 novembre
lundi le 18 novembre
vendredi le 15 novembre
jeudi le 14 novembre
mercredi le 13 novembre
- Le Pere Noel
- Le chat de Simon
- Chanson: On se dit "Joyeux Noel"
- Noel francophone - Quizlet / Kahoot / Gimkit
- Cercle jouez "Ou est le lutin?"
jeudi le 19 decembre
- QDJ / Les devoirs (cahier p.13)
- Journal (cahier p.15 #9) / 4 coins
- Vocab Gimkit / Vocab quiz!
- OD, Presentation et lisez chapitre 8
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.15 (#8 only, choose word from bank to tell how often you do those chores)
mercredi le 18 decembre
- Pub #8 / Lisez OD ch 8
- Journal #45 (use vocab p.3 les devoirs) (cahier ck)
- Images parlez / Quizlet
- Cercle chanson "Sur sous dans..."
- Charades (chores) et Kahoot
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13 & vocab quiz THURSDAY
mardi le 17 decembre
- Pub #7/12 jours
- Journal
- OD, Lisez en groupes 7
- Cahier p.2 Vocab E/R Quizlet
- Vocab images cahier p.3
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13, vocab quiz on Thursday
lundi le 16 decembre
- Pub #6 / 12 jours
- Journal
- OD, Presentation et lisez chapitre 6 acteurs
- A la maison!
- Vocab images cahier pp.2 / see Quizlet tab for list
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish cahier p.2
vendredi le 13 decembre
- QDJ - le film, le Rocket
- Pub #5
- Dansez 5!
- Evaluation, Le Rocket (click here for listening)
- Bulletin Board craft (if finished with test and all make up work)
jeudi le 12 decembre
- QDJ/Lisez 5 /12 jours
- Pub #4 - Journal
- Le Rocket - vocab image / tableau jeu
- Le Rocket presentation / Ecoutez et dessinez
- Jeu de cartes V/F questions from evaluation
- Jouez Gimkit
- LES DEVOIRS: Do the speaking part for our evaluation on Le Rocket movie. Click here for FLIPGRID.
mercredi le 11 decembre
- Chanson 12 jours
- Pub #3
- OD, Presentation et lisez chapitre 6 acteurs
- Le Rocket à finir (ck cahier p.8)
- Musique Mercredi ou bulletin board
- LES DEVOIRS: Textivate Le Rocket Remember username for ALL is kingswood1, see google doc with individual STUDENT PASSWORDS highlighted in yellow above.
mardi le 10 decembre
- Pub #2
- Notes, cahier p.9
- Discutez cahier p.8 #3 / Gimkit vocab
- Regardez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish cahier p.8 questions
lundi le 9 decembre
- OD - Lisez ch 5
- Le Rocket
- Image - Vocab
- Le Rocket PresentationDictee #7-11
- Regardez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.8 #3
vendredi le 6 decembre
- QDJ / Tableau des fetes / pub de Noel #1
- Obsession dangeureuse Presentation, interro 10 pt ch1-4
- Le Rocket
- Charlala - vocab a écouter
- Cercle - jouez au hockey
- Les devoirs
- Regardez le film
jeudi le 5 decembre
- Lisez 5 Obs.Dangereuse chapitre 4
- Vocab - Quizlet
- Dictee - cahier p.7
- Presentation copy #1-5
- Regardez le film, Le Rocket
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.8, answer questions 1&2 (IN ENGLISH!)
mercredi le 4 decembre
- Lisez 5 - Maurice, cahier pp.1-3
- Journal - les phrases hier à traduire en anglais
- Grammavision - irregular P.P.'s / feuille
- Musique Mercredi - Dictee Amir, "J'ai cherché" paroles
- Dictee M. Richard et Commencez le film "Le Rocket!"
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete participation rubric handout for last unit
mardi le 3 decembre
- Lisez 5
- Journal: les vacances (BB 2 exemples)
- Presentation Obsession Dangereuse Lisez Obsession Dangereuse, ch 4
- Le Rocket cahier pp.1-3 / Le chandail de hockey, p.4
- Cahier p.5 Vocab Quizlet Le Chandail de Hockey
- Blizzard Bag #2 due tomorrow, make sure to complete this Edpuzzle!
vendredi le 22 novembre
- QDJ / Cahiers dans la boite!
- La gratitude - Free write
- Chanson (paroles)
- OD, lisez chapitre 3
- Finissez le film ou Bol de poisson?
jeudi le 21 novembre
- Journal: La gratitude
- Notes PC / les devoirs
- Obsession dangereuse, chapitre 2
- Shopping project, Exemple Step 4 / complete cahier p.23
- LES DEVOIRS: Check Powerschool, collecting packets tomorrow
mercredi le 20 novembre
- QDJ (après l'école hier...)
- Journal: La gratitude
- Les devoirs
- Musique Mercredi (dictée/vidéo/paroles/cercle)
- Projet Step 2
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.18 (C only)
mardi le 19 novembre
- Journal: La gratitude
- OD, Revision chapitre 1
- Les devoirs au tableau / cercle "Quel?"
- Project, p.22 / websites on post page & cognates
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.17
lundi le 18 novembre
- Journal: La gratitude
- Presentation: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes
- "Quel" Texte p.228 #12, #14 NOTES, cahier p.25
- Kahoot vocab
- Une obsession dangereuse, ch 1 (signout)
- Les devoirs: Cahier p.15 (#11 only)
vendredi le 15 novembre
- Dansez/Chantez 5
- Trotro s'habille
- Assiette (dictée practice)
- Interro dictée (Vocab quiz)
- Jouez aux cartes!
jeudi le 14 novembre
- Lisez 5 - Benin, pp.10-11
- Journal - Steve/Scoot/Nigel
- Les devoirs/video feuille (CW)
- Awkward Family Photos
- Kahoot vocab
- LES DEVOIRS: Study vocab, oral dictee quiz tomorrow
mercredi le 13 novembre
- Journal: Madame porte?
- Notes, cahier p.25
- Lisez Obsession Dangereuse, ch 1
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.14 #9 only
Nous n'avons pas de Midterm.
Bonne chance tout le monde!
We do not have a midterm exam. Good luck on your other class midterms!
jeudi le 7 novembre- Journal / Les devoirs, cahier p.13
- OWI: Jouez "Charlala"
- Click here for Textivate Steve Feret
- Click here for FLIPGRID dictee
- A 2h Jouez Gimkit (Vocabulaire)
- Grades close tomorrow. All makeup work is due, pass into Les Devoirs box.
mercredi le 6 novembre
- Lisez 5/Journal Stromae
- OWI a lire
- Musique Mercredi!
- Vocab images/cahier p.13
- Pas de devoirs :)
mardi le 5 novembre
- Lisez 5
- Journal: QDJ liste au tableau/4 coins
- OWI Rev & Il dit...?
- Liste de vocab E/R/Quizlet
- Cercle Texte p.224
- Pas de devoirs! (No homework)
lundi le 4 novembre
- Lisez 5
- Parlez le weekend/Journal
- Faisons les magasins! Cahiers pp.1-2 / Vocab images / Cahier pp.5-7
- OWI a finir!
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish & study vocab pp.5-7
vendredi le 1er novembre
- Lisez 5
- Chantez/Dansez
- OWI a finir
- Journal sentences "Allons-y" Copy 10 sentences in FRENCH and then translate them into ENGLISH.
jeudi le 31 octobre
C'est Halloween!
- QDJ / Chanson
- Ecoutez et dessinez (Vocab Halloween)
- Quizlet C'est Halloween Vocab / Wordsearch
- Gimkit / Kahoot
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish wordsearch
mercredi le 30 octobre
mardi le 29 octobre
lundi le 28 octobre
- Lisez 5
- Tu prefererais? Presentation
- Musique Mercredi! Dictee/video et ecoutez/chantez!
- OWI - un nouveau personnage!
- LES DEVOIRS: Pas de devoirs :)
mardi le 29 octobre
- ??'s Study Sheet
- Examen: Bon Appetit
- Crossword puzzles (extra credit)
- LES DEVOIRS: pas de devoirs :-)
lundi le 28 octobre
Review for Bon Appetit unit test TOMORROW!
- Journal - Cafe Review
- Ecoutez - Journal #25 Tableaux
- Review sheet HANDOUT
- Vocabulaire 2 (& -IR verbs) - Kahoot
- Voacbulaire 1 Quizlet/Gimkit
- Culture - Review EQ, test writing prompt
jeudi le 24 octobre
- Participation Rubric
- Journal #25
- French Roast (8 min)
- Commands/Grammavision/Les devoirs, cahier p.71
- Kahoot - Bon App & -IR verbs
- Practice for café skit - café is TOMORROW!
"musique mercredi" le 23 octobre
- Journal #18 un menu
- Chanson Cameléon / dictée/vidéo/paroles
- Cercle - jeu de musique
- Commands / Grammavision p.202 #33,34
- Café dialogues - scripts shared with Madame by end of class
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.71
mardi le 22 octobre
- Journal - exemple café dialogue
- Cahier p.11 (avec partenaire)
- Les devoirs, p.69
- Groupes - café scripts/cartes
- LES DEVOIRS: Bring in cafe props!
lundi le 21 octobre
- Le weekend
- Infographique, cahier pp.9-10
- Vocab Expressions, cahier p.68
- Quizlet
- Cafe rubrique/menu, p.7
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.69 / Cafe menus/performances on FRIDAY!
Speaking Assessment Brandon Brown veut un chien on Flipgrid FRIDAY in class
vendredi le 18 octobre
jeudi le 17 octobre
mercredi le 16 octobre
mardi le 15 octobre
vendredi le 11 octobre
mercredi le 9 octobre
mardi le 8 octobre
Textivate Scoot et Nigel due FRIDAY
lundi le 7 octobre
- Cahier pp.67&70
- Listen to Madame's video on Flipgrid/Speaking Assessment with Madame/complete -IR verb sheet
- Jeu de des
- Café planning!
jeudi le 17 octobre
- BB "Shrinking Summary" a table
- BB jeu de marqueur/interro!
- Les devoirs au tableau
- IR verb sheet / dice game
- LES DEVOIRS: Using your drawings, practice for peaking tomorrow!
mercredi le 16 octobre
- Journal #19/Les devoirs
- Brandon Brown Shrinking summary (gestes) /interro BB
- Vocab 2 Quizlet vocab
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p .67 & Practice speaking with your drawings!
mardi le 15 octobre
- Journal #17
- BB Ecoutez V/F Practice for quiz tomorrow!
- Vocab 1 & -IR review (Kahoot)
- Vocab 2 / Images / Televocab
- Cahier pp.5-6
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.66 / Vrai/Faux Quiz BB veut un chien WED/ BB speaking assessment FRIDAY
vendredi le 11 octobre
- -IR / Les devoirs
- BB ch 10 put in order/"Running dictee"
- Charlala
- Quiz BB
- Qu'est-ce que tu veux prendre? Je veux prendre de la tartine!
- Journal #17
- Cahier p.64 (tableaux)
- BB Ecoutez et dessinez (20pt)
- Verbes en -IR / Journal notes/ Grammavision / jeu de dès
- Cahier p.65 (CW)
- Les devoirs: BB chapitre 10 feuille
mercredi le 9 octobre
- Video: "Chocolatine"
- Journal #16 dictee
- Musique Mercredi! Dictee/video/paroles
- BB a finir!
- Gimkit / Vocab quiz!
- Textivate due FRIDAY
mardi le 8 octobre
- QDJ / Journal #14 (new link!)
- OWI histoire (a table)
- Les devoirs, cahier p.63
- Quizlet vocab / Interro (Quiz!)
- Le partitif Grammavision
- Les devoirs: Cahier p.64
lundi le 7 octobre
- Journal #14
- Lisez BB Chapitre 9 / feuille (CW)
- OWI Histoire
- Vocab: Presentation/ Cahier p.62 (tableaux) / Quizlet
- LES DEVOIRS: Study Vocab Quiz tomorrow & Cahier p.63
- This Textivate Scoot et Nigel due FRIDAY
vendredi le 4 octobre
jeudi le 3 octobre
mercredi le 2 octobre
lundi le 30 septembre
vendredi le 27 septembre
jeudi le 26 septembre
- Les devoirs (au tableau - ck p.61)
- Chantez?!
- Notes: Expressions with AVOIR / liste de vocab
- Vocab - jouez un jeu
- OWI Scenarios (Scoot et Nigel, a story!)
jeudi le 3 octobre
- Journal - BB phrases
- Charlala BB chapitres 6-8
- Listening quiz chapitres 6-8
- Vocabulaire! Televocab/Images/Quizlet
- Cahier p.61 (au tableau)
- Les devoirs: Cahier p. 62 (#4 & #6 only) and etudiez le vocabulaire!
mercredi le 2 octobre
- QDJ petit dej/Journal Bon Appetit #13
- BB interro / discutez (cubes) chapitre 8 /wordsearch (CW)
- Musique Mercredi
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.61 & Chapter 7 questions if you have not passed them in. This will count as a quiz grade!
- Journal: Bon Appetit #13
- BB chapitre 7/ questions interro 20pt
- Vocabulaire - Televocab/images/E/R Quizlet
- Les devoirs: Finish vocab list pp.3-4 and Chapitre 7 Brandon Brown questions (QUIZ!)
lundi le 30 septembre
- Parlez du weekend!
- Journals / Chanson
- BB Chapitre 6 / questions
- Cahiers - Bon Appetit pp.1-2 / Images, liste de vocab pp.3-4
- Apres le dejeuner = la glace!
vendredi le 27 septembre
- Interro OWI - click here for Flipgrid
- BB chapitre 5 / questions / Quizlet
- OWI Scenarios
- Jouez Loto ou Mon Monstre
jeudi le 26 septembre
- QDJ / Chanson
- OWI - Lisez (Draw/Write/Pass) V/F practice, quiz tomorrow
- Cercle - "Je vois" / Telephone
- BB les devoirs / chapitre 5 / Questions
- Textivate due & Quiz OWI tomorrow!
mercredi le 25 septembre
mardi le 24 septembre
lundi le 23 septembre
vendredi le 20 septembre
- Magazine "Bonjour" Lisez pp.10-11/Discutez!
- Chanson vidéo Poussin Piou
- BB Activité en groupes, les animaux!
- OWI / Cercle
- BB chapitre 4 / questions
- Les devoirs: Textivate OWI due Friday / chapitre 4 puzzle
mardi le 24 septembre
- Journal: Phrases en anglais / jouez "Charlala"
- BB chapitre 3 pre-view sheet / lisez (avec acteurs)
- OWI a finir!
- Les devoirs: Read BB chapitre 4
lundi le 23 septembre
- Le weekend / PC phrases Journal
- Finissez Petit Nicolas!
- OWI - a new character!
- Les devoirs: Lisez BB, chapitre 3 / complete handout
vendredi le 20 septembre
- Questions du jour
- Parlez avec Madame / Writing Assessment
- Le film: Petit Nicolas à finir!
jeudi le 19 septembre
mercredi le 18 septembre
mardi le 17 septembre
lundi le 16 septembre
vendredi le 13 septembre
jeudi le 12 septembre
mercredi le 11 septembre
- Journal: Petit Nicolas à traduire (groupes)
- Petit Nicolas cahier pp.8-9 / Jouez Charlala
- Regardez vidéo: "Petit Ours Brun", cahier pp.15-16 (A&B)
- Practice for Speaking Assessment
- Lisez BB chapitre 3 / handout
- Speaking & Writing Assessment tomorrow (Les grandes vacances!)
mercredi le 18 septembre
- Questions du jour??
- Speaking Practice / cercle
- BB chapitre 2 avec acteurs / les devoirs
- LES DEVOIRS: Watch again and answer questions Petit Ours Brun decouvre la mer
mardi le 17 septembre
- Infographique / questions
- Les grandes vacances de Madame, cahier pp.6-7
- Speaking Assessment Practice, HANDOUT (with partner)
- Vocab quiz - Interro dictée
- Brandon Brown (BB) chapitre 1 / questions / Lisez 2 avec acteurs
- LES DEVOIRS: BB chapitre 2 questions / Speaking Assessment Friday
lundi le 16 septembre
- Le weekend! PC / Card talk/ Journals
- Volunteers to share books
- Complete participation rubrics
- Vocab Review (for quiz tomorrow!) / Allez au tableau / Charades / Gimkit
- Brandon Brown (BB) books / feuille cognates chapitre 1
- BOOKS are due!!
vendredi le 13 septembre
- Parlez! Cahier p.1, Speaking practice
- Flipgrid, answer question / Participation Rubric
- OWI - "Running" dictee
- Finissez: books
- Regardez: Petit Nicolas
- LES DEVOIRS: Vacation books due on Monday!Study vocab, quiz on TUESDAY next week.
jeudi le 12 septembre
- Petit tableaux - avoir/vouloir (Card talk)
- OWI - Parlez a ton partenaire (ensemble first)
- Cercle: Lisez T'Choupi
- Faites des livres! (Make your books!)
- Jouez Quizlet (Vocab review for dictee quiz tomorrow)
- LES DEVOIRS: Post a question from the vacation story, cahier p. 1 on Flipgrid. Click HERE FOR FLIPGRID
mercredi le 11 septembre
- Parlez! Petit tableau (aimer/jouer)
- OWI - Vrai/Faux
- Video: Trotro part en vacances
- Gimkit vocabulaire
- Les devoirs: Translate the 6 sentences you copied off the board today into ENGLISH (from our "petit tableau" whiteboard talk)
mardi le 10 septembre
- Regardez le Video: Raconter ses vacances
- OWI: Ecoutez/Dessinez
- Madame vacances, cahier p.1 (interpretive listening)
- Dessinez 6 phrases, cahier p.1 / conference w/Madame study vocab
- Vocab: Quizlet.live
- Les devoirs: 6 phrases, cahier p.1
lundi le 9 septembre
1. QDJ - Le Weekend
2. Madame Vacances - presentation
3. OWI avec partenaire
4. Journal phrases, cahier p.1
5. Cahier p.6 avec Madame / Petit Nicolas cahier pp.2-5
Les devoirs: Due Wednesday 6 sentences w/drawings
vendredi le 6 septembre
1. Lisez 5
2. Review OWI / Textivate - Scoot
3. Les vacances de Madame - ballon
4. Cahier p.1
4. Regardez le film Petit Nicolas @ 9h45
jeudi le septembre
1. Lisez 5!
2. OWI a finir
3. Presentation: Les grandes vacances de Madame
4. Cahier p.1
5. Liste de vocab - E/R/Quizlet
Les devoirs: Cahier pp.3-4
mercredi le 4 septembre
1. Introduce Lisez 5!
2. Questions du jour??
3. Aimer/Jouer - les petit tableaux
4. OWI
5. Les devoirs (homework)- cahier (packet) p.1
mardi le 3 septembre
1. Course expectation sheet signed
2. Finish student inventory sheet
vendredi le 21 juin
- Examen Finale Partie 2 - OWI characters/Writing
- Bonnes vacances!!
jeudi le 20 juin
- Noemie, questions a finir / cahiers collected
- Examen finale - Introduce OWI planning sheet & rubric
- Examen finale - Ecoutez et Lisez (OWI) Click on the links below and follow along on pages 1-2 of your exam. Be sure to listen as many times as you need to to make decisions!
- Complete the Reading Parties 1-3 on pages 3&4. Pass in when done.
- Work on OWI Planning sheet/sentences
- Examen finale demain! (Finish bio & illustrate characters!)
mercredi le 19 juin
- Exam listening/reading practice: Lisez OWI w/posters / petit tableaux questions / reading dictée
- Jeu: Ou est l'ours?
- Quizlet vocab / interro * & pass in Allons en ville cahiers*
- Noémie: Review presentation/Finissez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Review OWI stories: Exam listening and reading parts tomorrow & Finish Noemie lecon 4 questions
mardi le 18 juin
- Review vocab / listening activity with map of town
- Noemie, review presentation and lecon 4 questions
- Regardez Noemie, questions 5&6
- LES DEVOIRS: Vocab quiz tomorrow and (cahier due -Allons en ville)
- The substitute will put on a short movie about Paris. Complete cahier pp.19-20 while watching the movie.
- After the movie, complete cahier p.21 in FRENCH (or "franglais") to the best of your ability using vocabulary from the unit. You may compare Paris as seen in the video to your home town or another city you know of have visited.
- Study the vocabulary list on Quizlet. There will be a quiz on this list TUESDAY 6/18.
jeudi le 13 juin
- Participation rubrics / Les devoirs (tableaux)
- E/R vocab - Quizlet.live
- Lecons 1&2 Noemie le secret Presentation / Noemie Lecons 1& 2 Sequence
- Noemie, lecon 3 / dictee / regardez / questions
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.15 #7
mercredi le 12 juin
- Presentez Quebec (province et ville)
- Video feuille / Madame presentation
- Cahiers, pp.3-4 Vocab / Images / Quizlet
- Noemie, lecon 2 a finir / questions
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13
mardi le 11 juin
- Etoile du jour - Ronald!
- Noemie, leçon 1 (regardez/questions)
- Noemie, leçon 2 (dictée/regardez/questions)
- Un jeu?
lundi le 10 juin
- EdPuzzle - Didou Dessine-moi une maison Do not sign in with google, instead with username (your email address) and Password = French2
- Le weekend (feuille)
- Ou est l'ours? Practice avec plan
- Plans a presenter (en groupes/feuille)
- Noemie - Bande Annonce / dictee, lecon 1
vendredi le 7 juin
jeudi le 6 juin
mercredi le 5 juin
mardi le 4 juin
lundi le 3 juin
vendredi le 31 mai
jeudi le 30 mai
- La bibli!
- Cahier p.11 final draft due
- House plans due by end of class (points taken off daily if late)
- Bon weekend!!
jeudi le 6 juin
- Circle of Champions (Arts Center) report to class for attendance.
- Cahier p.11 FINAL drafts on white-lined paper due TOMORROW.
- House plans to be finished AND printed by class end tomorrow (we will meet in classroom then go to library)
mercredi le 5 juin
- Dictee A la maison
- Cercle: T'Choupi/ il y a...je vois...
- Les plans: premier etage (2nd floor)
- Break - Gimkit
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.11 final draft due FRIDAY
mardi le 4 juin
- QDJ / Infographique
- Quizlet - Vocab review
- Cahier pp.6-7 Projet - Explore https://floorplanner.com/
- Plan - Rez-de-chaussee (First floor) / Conference with Madame (Cahier p.11)
lundi le 3 juin
- QDJ / weekend corvees
- Exemple writing, cahier p.11
- PC (-ir/-re) cahier p.17#14 (tableaux)
- Jeu de des
- Cercle/Prepositions-l'ours
- LES DEVOIRS: Draft writing, cahier p.11 (use model we did in class!)
vendredi le 31 mai
- Magazine "Bonjour"
- Presentation: Maisons du monde
- Infographique, cahier p.5 (groupes)
- Quizlet/Gimkit Vocab (Cahier check!)
- Interro de vocab
- Cercle??
jeudi le 30 mai
- Televocab 2
- Cahier p.13 (tableaux)
- Cercle p.15 8&9
- Jouez Kahoot Vocab
- Edpuzzle: La maison de Trotro
- LES DEVOIRS: Vocab quiz (& cahier check) DEMAIN!
Presentation: Une obsession dangereuse
Good morning! Sub plans for Julie Garry 5/29/19
- Please take attendance and have students put away their phones.
- Please instruct students to go to the blog. Hand out test (marked Block B). Remind students to read instructions. There are headphones located on the chromebook cart if they need them. Students may have the following out: the book, Obsession Dangereuse, and their drawings with 10 key French words.
- Click here for Flipgrid Test Speaking
- Click here for Flipgrid Test Listening
- Please tell students to pass into the box when done and to sit quietly. This should take them most of the block. They may use dictionaries located on the gray shelf behind my desk if they’d like for the writing section.
- If students are done early, they may complete cahier p.19 (a crossword in their packet) for extra credit.
mardi le 28 mai
- Parlez du weekend!
- Paragraph a traduire
- Presentation - OD (examen demain!)/ mettez les phrases en ordre
- Cercle! (expressions cahier p.3)
- Quizlet FULL LIST
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.15 #8, #9 TEST on Obsession Dangereuse book TOMORROW, you may use books and your drawings with 10 key words in FRENCH.
vendredi le 24 mai
- QDJ / video
- Obsession Dang. - traduisez / running dictee
- Les corvees: images / cahier p.3 / Quizlet.live
- Les devoirs; cahier p.13 / charades
- Jouez Kahoot / Gimkit
- Cahier pages to be checked today!
jeudi le 23 mai
- Obsession Dang. - résumé, practice
- A la maison, p.1 / Vocab images, cahier p.2
- Cercle / Quizlet.live
- Kahoot A la maison
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13/ etudiez vocab
- EVALUATION 5/29 for the book Obsession dangereuse
mercredi le 22 mai
- QDJ - le film
- Revision: Presentation: Une obsession dangereuse
- Flipgrid ecoutez et dessinez click here for:
- Drawings video #1-4 / Drawings video #5 & #6
- Evaluation: Le Rocket (avec cahiers) / Textivate
- Cahiers: A la maison!
- Liste de vocabulaire, pp.2-3
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13
mardi le 21 mai
- Presentation OD, lisez chapitre 12 a table / feuille (CW)
- Cercle/break!
- Le Rocket a finir / cahier p.7 #5 / Click here for shared google doc to put your table's true/false questions / Assessment avec CAHIERS!
- LES DEVOIRS: Rocket assessment/cahier tomorrow in class.
- LES DEVOIRS: Le Rocket Textivate & Textivate - Obsession Dangereuse
lundi le 20 mai
- QDJ - le weekend/table
- Presentation OD, lisez chapitre 11
- Le Rocket - film a regarder / 15 minutes left!
vendredi le 17 mai
- Presentation: Une obsession dangereuse
- Presentation: Le Rocket
- La Revolution Tranquille, notes p.8
- Regardez le film
jeudi le 16 mai
- QDJ/Image Vocab
- OD, chapitre 10 (add phrases resume)
- Le Rocket - Revision #1-6, dictee #7-11 / Les devoirs a discuter
- Regardez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.7, questions 2 & 3
mercredi le 15 mai
- Image au tableau (hockey vocab)
- OD, chapitre 9 dessins - un resume
- Le Rocket - dictee (tableaux) / cahier p.6 , Presentation #1-5 / Preview questions: Commencez le film
- LES DEVOIRS: Question #1, cahier p.7
mardi le 14 mai
Sub plans and blog instructions for 5/14/19
B Block - Français 2 CTP
- Please take attendance (see sheets on my desk)
- Please handout the blank paper marked French 2 with 6 squares on it. Have students read silently in their books, Une obsession dangereuse, chapters 8 & 9. If they do not have their book, there are extra copies on the front table. When finished with the reading, they are to illustrate the events that take place in chapter 9 on the paper. Instruct them to hand in to the box when done (20 minutes).
- Next students may review the new vocabulary list from the story, “Le chandail de hockey.” Instruct them to click on the Quizlet tab, then on “Le chandail de hockey.” (20 minutes)
- At around 9:45, start the film L’age de glace (Ice Age) which is set up in the front of the room. They will watch in French audio with English subtitles. Please have students write words that they hear in French and record them on a scrap paper to be passed in at the end of class.
lundi le 13 mai
- Lisez OD, chapitre 7
- Le Rocket - cahier p.1
- Senegal - Sports Presentation
- Review all Senegal presentations/interro
- Regardez Moi. Moche et Mechant
- Bon weekend!
- QDJ/PC practice!
- Questions?? Presentations??
- Cahiers a rendre (pass in)
- Evaluation PC:
- Click here for INTERRO DICTEE
- Click here for TEST SPEAKING
- Complete Participation Rubric after you hand in test
- Study the Senegal presentation links below to prepare for a quiz
- OD, ch 3-6 Quizlet
- Les devoirs (petit tab) / Cercle questions Dictee Speaking, Flipgrid
- Jeu de des - PC irreg.
- Kahoot - reg "-er" verbs
- Bol de poisson / PC Assessment tomorrow!
- Questions du jour??
- Chanson: Avancer (feuille P.P.'s)
- Lisez: OD, chapitre 6 a table/Shrinking Summary
- PC Equation, cahier p.21, cahier p.20B
- Jeu de des (dice game)
- LES DEVOIRS: PC practice sheet
- Dessinez le weekend
- Paragraph au tableau
- Une OD, review ch 4/lisez chapitre 5
- Les presentations à finir
- Presentez / grids (CW)
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.20 (B only!) / Interro PC jeudi
- Questions du jour
- Chantez/Dansez??
- Cercle - Jeu #1-12
- Gimkit - Vocab review
- Film: Moi, moche et mechant
- LES DEVOIRS; Pas de devoirs. Plan to finish up presentations on Monday, presenting Monday/Tuesday.
- QDJ/PC Review
- Cercle
- Projets Sénégal - pour présenter DEMAIN
- Obsession Dangereuse, chapitre 4 (acteurs)
- Les devoirs au tableau
- Cahier p,19 (CW) feuille, irreg.PP's
- Sénégal - Video, Travaillez en groupes, presentations VENDREDI
mardi le 30 avril
lundi le 29 avril
- Parlez! QDJ
- Ecoutez: Paroles "J'ai cherché"
- Lisez: OD, chapitre 3 acteur
- Revisez: PC/Grammavision/Les devoirs
- Jouez: Jeu de des
- Projet Senegal - groupes
- LES DEVOIRS: cahier p.18 (C only)
lundi le 29 avril
- Bon retour! Dessinez les vacances
- Jeu: 4 coins
- Cercle - parlez vacances
- Cahier p.17 / le passé composé notes cahier p.25
- Shrinking Summary: Une obsession dangereuse, lisez chapitre 3/acteur
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.16 #23; p.17 B
Textivate Passwords français 2 2019
lundi le 15 avril
vendredi le 12 avril
jeudi le 11 avril
mercredi le 10 avril
mardi le 9 avril
vendredi le 19 avril
jeudi le 18 avril
mercredi le 17 avril
mardi le 16 avril
- QDJ - les vacances!
- Finissez le projet - cahier pp.22-23 Steps 1-3
- Pass in cahiers!
- Regardez "Moi, moche et mechant!" Avec un gouter??
jeudi le 18 avril
- Presentation Qu'est-ce que tu aimes? "Quel"
- Les devoirs, p.14 #9
- Kahoot - FLM vocabulaire
- Projet, Step 1, cahier p.22
- CAHIERS demain!
mercredi le 17 avril
- YRBS (Survey)
- Les jeux! (Un petit break :-)
- CAHIERS will be collected on FRIDAY.
mardi le 16 avril
- Question du jour
- Images/feuille (avec partenaire)
- Cahier p.14#9, "ce, cette, ces"
- "Quel" - Grammavision, notes, Texte p.228 #12,14 (tabx)/Kahoot: Les vetements et accessoires
- Interro dictée (quiz)
- LES DEVOIRS: cahier p.15
- Question du jour/le weekend
- Regardez video/feuille (CW)
- Révision de vocab: Dessinez (assiette)
- Gimkit / Pictionary
- Etudiez Vocab, quiz tomorrow - dictée!
vendredi le 12 avril
- Jeu: Qui suis-je?
- Interro: OWI Ecoutez et dessinez
- Les devoirs
- Jouez: Gimkit
- Film: Ratatouille à finir
- LES DEVOIRS: Etudiez le vocab, interro mardi 4/16 (QUIZ TUES)
jeudi le 11 avril
- QDJ/Lisez "Allons-y Stromae"
- OWI - Ecoutez et dessinez
- Ed Puzzle Trotro s'habille
- Cahier p.13 (au tableau) / Notes cahier p.25 "ce, cette, ces"
- Une Obs Dangereuse, chapitre 3
- LES DEVOIRS: cahier p.14 (#9 only)
mercredi le 10 avril
- QDJ/Vidéo "Stromae"/vocab jeu au tableau
- OWI à remplir (CW)
- Cercle
- Liste de vocab/Quizlet:live
- LES DEVOIRS: étudiez vocabulaire / cahier p.13
mardi le 9 avril
- Questions du jour??
- Lisez - OWI (E/R/Partenaire)
- Lisez - OD, chapitre 2 en groupes/un dessin
- Cahier p.5 (E/R/Images/Quizlet), cahier pp.6-7
- Texte p.224 #1,2 (petit tableaux)
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.13
lundi le 8 avril
- Questions du jour???
- OWI à lire ! Textivate Doug (remember everyone is Kingswood1/then put in your Student Password)
- Lisez: OD, chapitre 2
- Faisons les magasins/intro/images/Cahier pp.1-2
- LES DEVOIRS: Vocab cahier p.5
Examen Bon Appetit - WEDNESDAY 4/3
vendredi le 5 avril
jeudi le 4 avril
mercredi le 3 avril
mardi le 2 avril
lundi le 1er avril
- Parlez! Etoile du jour questions
- OWI à finir
- Film à finir
jeudi le 4 avril
- Parlez/QDJ
- Lisez: Une obsession dangereuse, chapitre 1
- Quizlet: Une obsession dangereuse, chapitre 1
- Cercle jeu
- OWI - créez un nouveau personnage!
mercredi le 3 avril
- Examen - Bon Appétit
- Missing work (BB speaking/Powerschool cahier/Café dialogues) IF caught up: extra credit word search
- A 10h, Petit Nicolas à finir
mardi le 2 avril
- Menu example
- Les devoirs
- Listening practice (petit tab)
- Quizlet vocab 1&2
- Complete Participation Rubric
- LES DEVOIRS: Study sheet/writing preparation/TEST TOMORROW!
lundi le 1er avril
- Questions du jour / Parlez des cartes
- Cercle - weekend/Poisson d'avril!
- Révision: verbes en '-ir' / jeu de dès
- Cahier p.65 (petit tableau)
- L'imperatif, p.202 Grammavision, #34 #33 / Jacques a dit
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.71 / Examen Bon Appetit WED
**Cafe francais - vendredi!**
jeudi le 28 mars
mercredi le 27 mars
- Un exemple - script, cahier p.8
- Verbes en "-ir" / Grammavision
- Cercle - Parlez BB
- Finissez les scripts/menus! Cafe is TOMORROW!
- LES DEVOIRS: cahier p.65/ Speaking due (video or with Madame) by end of TASC tomorrow
mercredi le 27 mars
- Infographique, cahier p.9
- Avec partenaire, cahier p.11
- Cercle/BB Speaking practice
- Cafe francais: Review rubrique/ Scripts & menus a finir
- LES DEVOIRS: Finissez les scripts/menus / Flipgrid Speaking Practice!
Instructions for class on Tuesday, 3/26/19
Bonjour la classe! Please follow the schedule below for today.
1. Take out your Brandon Brown drawings (sheet with 6 boxes on it). Read the story on the opposite side of the page with a partner. Then, turn over the page and practice saying the summary together using gestures and words. Lastly, click here for Flipgrid and record a practice video.
2. Review this rubric for the café to take place on Friday. Then get together with your groups from yesterday, start a googledoc and share with all group members. Each group needs to share their googledoc with me at jgarry@govwentworth.k12.nh.us Be sure to use the vocab and expressions from cahier pages 3-6. Also, begin working on your menus, using the one we created together yesterday in class on cahier page 7. There is paper on the bookshelf by the door, as well as samples on the cart in the back of the room to review. Remember you need to include images on your menus.
3. Homework tonight is to check PowerSchool, and work to complete any missing assignments. Also, practice for the Speaking Assessment and be ready to rehearse your parts for the café tomorrow (props required!)
Merci, et bonne journée!
lundi le 25 mars
- Menu au tableau
- Cahier p.69 #21,22 (petit tab)
- Cercle - le weekend
- Chef video - croque Madame / menu cahier p.7/groupes
- BB Speaking Summary (partenaire)
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.70/practice BB speaking
Textivate Passwords français 2 2019
Bon appetit interro de vocab 1 slideshow
*Be sure to look at the correct DATE for homework!*
Bon appetit interro de vocab 1 slideshow
*Be sure to look at the correct DATE for homework!*
vendredi le 22 mars
mercredi le 20 mars
mardi le 19 mars
lundi le 18 mars
- Parlez! BB dessins a partagez
- OWI - l'histoire/gestes
- Interro: BB & OWI
- Finissez le film: Petit Nicolas
- Parlez! Questions au tableau - le diner
- BB à lire/Ecoutez et dessinez (feuille)
- OWI - Scène importante (feuille)
- Les devoirs, p.68
- Vocab 2 Gimkit
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.69/Textivate BB veut un chien
mercredi le 20 mars
- Paragraph au tableau (à traduire)
- BB - mettez les phrases en ordres (groupes)
- Télévocab/les devoirs
- Café expressions, partenaire
- Jouez Kahoot
- LES DEVOIRS: cahier p.68
mardi le 19 mars
- Infographique/ questions petit tableau
- OWI à lire/ feuille 5 éléments (CW)
- BB Lisez chapitre 10
- Vocab E/R/Quizlet.live
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.67 #16, #17
- LES DEVOIRS: Textivate Chad et Beatrice
lundi le 18 mars
- Paragraph à traduire
- Parlez du weekend
- BB, chapitre 9/feuille
- OWI - l'histoire
- Grammavision - le partitif/cahier p.64 (petit tab)
- LES DEVOIRS: Vocabulaire 2, pp.5-6
vendredi le 15 mars
- OWI - l'histoire possibilités??
- Cercle parlez du weekend
- BB ch 6-8 Ecoutez
- Bulletin Board craft/CAHIER CHECK!
- La tartine/Petit Nicolas - Film à finir
jeudi le 14 mars
- Parlez - AVOIR idioms
- Lisez - BB ch.8/feuille
- OWI - Dictee
- Ecoutez Texte p.186 #1,#3 (petit tab)/p.188 Grammaire (HOLD until tomorrow)
- Jouez Quizlet.live/interro de vocabulaire
- Pas de devoirs!
mercredi le 13 mars
- Questions du jour??
- OWI - Ecoutez et dessinez
- NOTES: Avoir expressions/cercle
- Les devoirs, cahier p.63
- Practice for vocab quiz (images/petit tab) Jouez Pictionary
- LES DEVOIRS: Study Bon appetit vocab 1, presentation quiz TOMORROW!
- Télévocab/Parlez/4 coins
- OWI à lire (partenaire)
- BB chapitre 7/questions en groupes
- Cahier p.62 #4, #6 (petit tableau)
- Présentation vocabulaire
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.63 & Textivate - Chad (see password doc highlighted in yellow above!) ALSO STUDY VOCAB - QUIZ THURSDAY
- OWI - Lisez
- BB chapitre 6 (Review)
- Vocab - Expressions
- Les devoirs/vocab E/R
- Gimkit a jouer
- Film a regarder - Petit Nicolas
- Parlez!
- OWI à lire
- BB chapitre 6/feuille - prediction
- Vocab images/liste de vocab Quizlet.live
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.61
- Questions du jour
- OWI (Chad!)
- Des sons d'animaux (video/matching activity a table)
- Lisez BB, chapitre 5 acteurs/questions (CW)
- Vocab images/Liste/Quizlet
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.61
- Parlez - les vacances
- Lisez BB, chapitre 4 / feuille
- Bon Appetit cahier pp.1-2
- LES DEVOIRS: Liste de vocabulaire 1, cahier pp.3-4
Textivate Passwords français 2 2019
- Les devoirs/Infographic pp.17-18
- Culture Assessment/Collect cahiers
- Extra credit word search BB
- Petit Nicolas film cahier, pp.2-5, 11/Regardez le film
- Tu préférerais...?Would you rather?
- T'Choupi/cercle
- Lisez BB ch 3 a table/questions
- Ed Puzzle - Trotro
- Petit Ours Brun (click on video above)/cahier p.15
- LES DEVOIRS: Infographic pp.17-18 stop at Communication Interpersonnelle. There will be a culture assessment tomorrow (IN ENGLISH: Compare your vacation to other students, French people, using all resources from unit) ALSO collecting cahiers!
- Review cahier p.10 click here for infographic
- Lisez BB chapitre 2 avec acteurs/questions
- EdPuzzle Trotro part en vacances cahier p.13
- OWI nouveau personnage!
- LES DEVOIRS: Petit Nicolas cahier p.11 Reading
- Parlez - le weekend/Speaking Assessment questions
- Finish presentations/cahier p.9
- Brandon Brown veut un chien, cognates/chapitre 1 questions
- Speaking Assessment with Madame, cahier p.9
- Complete cahier p,10 click here for infographic
- LES DEVOIRS: Petit Nicolas Film Cahier, pp.2-5/Assessment Les vacances THURSDAY
Les grandes vacances de Madame click here
- Parlez/le weekend
- Jeu/Cercle
- Questions cahier p.8/FLIPGRID respond to (3)
- Presentations (1/2), cahier p.9
- Film à commencer: Petit Nicolas
- Pas de devoirs - no homework (check Powerschool, checking cahiers TODAY in class)
- Questions du jour/Hier
- Running dictee - OWI Beatrice
- Review Mme presentation (see above link)/ Cahier p.8 Q/R, cahier p.9 (self, partenaire)
- Flipgrid post a question from cahier p.8 click HERE FOR FLIPGRID
- LES DEVOIRS: Slide presentations of your vacations due TOMORROW!
mercredi (BLIZZARD BAG DAY 3)
- Review Madame's slideshow here, and answer the following questions HERE on a separate piece of paper.
- Complete cahier p.8 by writing your answers from the chart on cahier page 1. Practice saying your responses aloud.
- Click HERE to start your Vacation slideshow. Include images with your responses, remember to use as many details as you can in FRENCH. This will be due on FRIDAY.
- Qu'est-ce que tu aimes?/Cercle
- OWI - Ecoutez et dessinez (CW classwork listening exercise)
- Practice Kahoot Tu aimes?/interro de vocab (Quiz)
- Review Presentation de Madame - les vacances, cahier p.6, rubric p.2
- Conference with Madame (your vacation story) or begin your presentation slides
- LES DEVOIRS: Textivate Les grandes vacances de Madame(see 2019 passwords in doc linked above)
- Parlez - le weekend
- Cercle/4 coins
- Presentation: Les grandes vacances de Madame click here
- Vocab 2, Cahier p.5/Conference w/Madame, cahier p.1
- Jouez Gimkit, Vocab 1&2
- LES DEVOIRS: Study vocab 1 - quiz tomorrow!
- Parlez!
- Cercle - le weekend
- OWI - Quizlet Beatrice/Interro Vrai/Faux
- Liste de vocab (E/R)/Jouez aux cartes/Pictionary
- LES DEVOIRS: Study vocab on Quizlet
- Parlez! See cahier p.4 questions
- OWI - Lire et Dessiner/ Textivate NEW Beatrice (classwork)
- Vocab review (Quizlet.live)
- Les vacances de Madame (Click above)
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.1/quiz tomorrow Beatrice
1. Review OWI Beatrice (handout given)
3. Unite Allons en vacances!
4. LES DEVOIRS: Liste de vocab, cahier pp.3-4 (Quizlet tab)
1. Pas de devoirs (no homework)
1. Course expectation sheet signed
2. Finish student inventory sheet
B Block:
- Dialogue to present
- Vocab Review for final
- Finish OWI partie 1
- Begin word bank/outline for Partie 2
C Block:
- Listening practice for final
- Vocab review
- Listening and reading portion TOMORROW, study OWI's
B Block:
- Share "monstres!"
- 1 Dialogue to present
- Discuss Final Exam, begin Partie 1
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete Participation Rubric
- Read OWI character stories
- Listening practice - tableaux
- Quizlet live Vocab review
- LES DEVOIRS: Finish Textivate started in class (Kenrik & Lenny)
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete Participation Rubric
B Block:
- Finish presenting dialogues.
- Prepare final exam part 1.
- Final exam is on WEDNESDAY.
C Block:
- Prepare for Part 1 Final exam Listening and reading.
- Textivate activities/OWI characters
- Quizlet vocab/vetements/la maison/les vacances
- Part 1 of final exam (Listening/Reading) will be on TUESDAY.
Tentative Schedule:
En ville Examen - Thursday
Dialogues/Presentations - Friday/Monday
- Examen - Allons en ville/Cahiers a rendre (hand in)
- Finish Dialogues (B block)/Presentations (C Block)
- LES DEVOIRS: B Block - bring props
- LES DEVOIRS: C Block - be prepared to present by practicing speaking on Flipgrid HERE.
- Regardez video "A Paris", cahier pp.19-20 (Extra credit)
- Dialogues/Presentations
- Review for Allons en ville test TOMORROW
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.21/study vocab!)
- Introduce dialogues cahier p.8 (B block only)
- Introduce projects (C block only -Senegal project )
- Review Les Devoirs/PC/New irregular verbs
- Watch Paris video/cahier pp.19-20
- Introduce dialogue (B Block) or Project (C Block)
- Pas de devoirs, bon weekend!
- Journal: Ed PuzzleTrotro et le bouquet
- Read story "Ours Brun"/Cercle
- Review les devoirs/PC avec Etre/Jeu
- Irregular verbs: Voir, Savoir, Connaitre
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier pp.16-17
- Presentations: Quebec 2016; Bonne Annee Quebec 2017
- Take notes: Passe Compose with Etre, cahier p.5
- Complete cahier pp.6-7 (Classwork)
- Irregular verb sheet handout "Dormir/Sortir/Partir"
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.11
- IN CLASS: Watch Trotro and record vocab words you hear recognize
- IN CLASS: Read Un ete, ch 10
- IN CLASS: Gimkit vocab review
- IN CLASS: Take vocab quiz
- B BLOCK ONLY IN CLASS: Review Noemie dictee
- B BLOCK LES DEVOIRS: Noemie quiz
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.15
- LES DEVOIRS: Study Allons en ville vocabulaire/Quiz tomorrow
- IN CLASS: Review Noemie, Allons en ville vocab & expressions, pp.3-4
Textivate Passwords français 2 2018
Lesson Summary for Textivate
To view parts of the film (if you missed lessons in class) sign into your google account and click HERE
- Review OWI - Take quiz
- Finish Noemie lecon 6/ take quiz and hand in packets
- Study new vocab, cahier pp.3-4
- Review OWI (click on OWI tab, scroll down to class character)
- Review lessons 1-4 Noémie le secret résumé
- Watch Noemie lessons 5&6 (see video link on post page)/do the questions in the packet
- Review vocab list in New unit Packet/Cahier/ play Quizlet.livel
- LES DEVOIRS: Allons en ville Cahier p.13
- LES DEVOIRS: Noemie Lecons 3&4 Sequence Quiz Noemie & film packet due tomorrow/OWI quiz
- Review OWI (click on OWI tab, scroll down to class character)
- Review lessons 1-3 Noémie le secret résumé
- Watch Noemie lesson 3/do the questions in the packet
- Review vocab list in New unit Packet/Cahier/ play Quizlet.live
- LES DEVOIRS: Textivate click here Noemie Lecons 3&4 Sequence
- LES DEVOIRS: Study new vocab on Quizlet pp.3-4
- Practice OWI story in class.
- Watch Noemie lesson 3/do the questions in the packet
- LES DEVOIRS: Read this Lesson Summary for Textivate then completeTextivate click below (see passwords above) Noemie Lecons 1& 2 Sequence
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete vocab list in New unit Packet/Cahier
pages 3-4 for quizlet click Unite 5 Allons en ville Vocabulaire
Bonne Année 2019!
To view parts of the film, Noémie le secret missed in class, make sure to sign into google account and click HERE
- IN CLASS: Watch Noémie and do Leçon 2 questions.
- IN CLASS: Review OWI (C Block click on OWI Tab and scroll down to "Oncle Phil")
- BON WEEKEND! Pas de devoirs.
- B BLOC ONLY: Study this Quizlet - Noemie list
- IN CLASS: Noémie cahier, Leçon 1 questions
- IN CLASS: Read Un été, ch 8
- New cahier, Film: Noémie le secret
- B BLOCK: Noemie Cahier p.5 Translate paragraph into ENGLISH.
- C BLOCK: Noemie Cahier p. 5 highlight any words you do not know in paragraph and write below in blank space underneath.
EdPuzzle Noel
- Etudiez vocabulaire de Noel - quiz TOMORROW
- IN CLASS WED: Complete this EdPuzzle Noel, be sure to listen as many times as you need to before answering questions. Some pauses have more than one question, be sure to scroll down.
- LES DEVOIRS: Practice Noel Vocab on Quizlet - listen to the words, there will be an interro DICTEE FRIDAY.
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete Noel cahier p.11 (crossword puzzle).
- Read the infographic on Noel cahier p.8, Le Pere Noel. Mark Vrai/Faux (True/False) for items 1-10 on page 7, and add any details you can from the infographic to justify your choice.
- Be prepared to present plans in class TUESDAY. There will be no more class time for this project.
- LES DEVOIRS: Complete and practice Noel vocabulary (new packet) pages 5-6 on Quizlet.
IN CLASS ALL: See google doc HERE for library
IN CLASS ALL: See google doc HERE for library
- Click HERE to access flipgrid.
- Textivate is DUE, click below.
- Bloque B GRog Sequence 1
- Bloque C Carter Sequence 1
- IN CLASS ALL: Ecoutez et dessinez OWI
- IN CLASS ALL: 2nd floor plans
- LES DEVOIRS: Click here to practice the past tense (Passe compose). Click on "Graded Practice." Then complete Cahier pp.9-10
- ALL: OWI Textivate by TOMORROW, Scroll down for class
- B Block: Click here to practice the past tense (Passe compose). Click on "Graded Practice." Then complete Cahier pp.9-10
- C Block: Cahier p.11 (PC Writing/weekend)
- ALL: IN CLASS TUES: EdPuzzle Albert Demenage
- ALL: First floor house project
- ALL: OWI Textivate by FRIDAY, Scroll down for class
- Check out Floorplanner tutorial, make decision on drawing by hand or using the website
- Textivate by FRIDAY (SEE BELOW)
Textivate Passwords francais 2 2018
Bloque B GRog Sequence 1
Bloque C Carter Sequence 1
- IN CLASS THURSDAY- Divine Design sheet
- DEVOIRS: Cahier p.19 (for some words refer to wordreference.com)
- B Block: Study for vocab quiz TOMORROW (ran out of time today:)
- C Block: Study for vocab quiz
- B Block: Cahier p.16 / Study vocab, quiz TOMORROW
- C Block: Study vocab, quiz TOMORROW
- Review new unit vocabulary on Quizlet. Quiz on WEDNESDAY.
- B Block - cahier p. 15 ALL
- C Block - cahier p. 15 #8 & #9
- Review new unit vocabulary on Quizlet.
- Complete A la maison cahier p.13 (C Block do #1 ONLY)
- HANDOUT: Finish all questions "Le film: The Rocket." There will be an assessment tomorrow on this movie (true/false and an essay question)
- Blizzard Bag #1, Vacation Writing, is due by FRIDAY.
- Study vocab - A la maison, on Quizlet.
- HANDOUT: The Rocket, complete essay questions 1 & 2.
**Update: Collecting packets THURSDAY
B Block: OWI Speaking to be done in class or in TASC BY FRIDAY
Cahier p.21
Textivate is due (Click here for PASSWORDS)
- Cahier pp. 19-20 (B Block
- Cahier p.19 only (C block)
- ALL - Speaking Assessments by FRIDAY
- ALL - Collecting Faisons les magasins packets on FRIDAY
B Block:
1. Shopping Project Exam Assessment Steps 1-4 (SCROLL DOWN TO see example writing sample below)
3. NEXT WEEK - OWI Speaking Assessment
4. NEXT WEEK - Quiz PC
C Block:
1.Shopping Project Exam Assessment Steps 1-3
3. NEXT WEEK - OWI Speaking Assessment
4. NEXT WEEK - Quiz PC
Examples 2 Honors
Je vais à une fête. J’ai trouvé une jupe,une chemise et des chaussures. J’ai regardé le magasin Le Bon Marché et Uniqlo mais j’ai choisi La Redoute. La couleur est bleu pour la jupe et la chemise aussi. Les chaussures sont blanches. La montre est en or. J’ai payé 38,49∉ pour la jupe,23.09∉ pour la chemise,42,02∉ pour les chaussures et 32.05∉ pour la montre. Le prix total a été 135,65€.
the WEEK of lundi le 5 novembre
B Block:
- IN CLASS THURS - Shopping Project pages 22-23
- NEXT WEEK - OWI Speaking Assessment
C Block:
- IN CLASS THURS - Shopping Project pages 22-23
- NEXT WEEK - OWI Speaking Assessment
B Block:
- IN CLASS - Explore shopping websites on post page
- LES DEVOIRS - Cahier pp. 17&19
- LES DEVOIRS (DUE FRIDAY) - PC Textivate Sequence B Block
C Block:
- IN CLASS - Explore shopping websites on post page
- LES DEVOIRS - Finish cahier p.22
- LES DEVOIRS (DUE FRIDAY) - PC Textivate Sequence C Block
B Block:
- IN CLASS - Cahier p.15
- LES DEVOIRS - Cahier p.16
C Block:
- IN CLASS - Cahier p.15
- LES DEVOIRS - Cahier p.16 (#23 only)
the WEEK of lundi le 29 octobre
B BLOCK (scroll down for C Block!)
- JOURNAL: Read Un été chapter 4 (the blue reader on the front table). You may read quietly with a partner. Then complete the True/False questions on page 21 in your journal.
- Click on the infographique HERE. Make sure to scroll down to see all pages. Fill out as much as you can on cahier pages 8-9, letters A though E. You may work alone or with a partner.
- Using your own headphones (or borrow from the chromebook cart, bottom shelf), listen to the following VIDEO. Slow down the speed and add French (auto generated) subtitles to help you. Complete cahier pages 9-10 as best you can.
- At around 9:30, the substitute will start “The Bee Movie” in FRENCH with ENGLISH subtitles. Write French words you hear and recognize while watching the movie on scrap paper to hand in at the end of class.
- Complete the Les Vetements Word search handout. Highlight the words that are NOT on your vocabulary list (cahier pages 5-7). Look up their meaning on wordreference.com and write their definitions on the back of the paper. Write your name on it and hand in to the box up front when done.
- At around 11:45, the substitute will start “The Bee Movie” in FRENCH with ENGLISH subtitles. Write French words you hear and recognize while watching the movie on scrap paper. Pass into the box at the end of class.
- Complete the Halloween word search!
- Study vocab (cahier pages 5-7) QUIZ TOMORROW!
- Study vocab, dictation quiz on WED
- IN CLASS: Video worksheet "Qu'est-ce que tu portes?"
- You may bring in something to share with the class for une fete Halloween demain if you'd like :)
- Cahier p.14 (C block #9 ONLY)
- Study vocab, quiz "dictée" tomorrow
- IN CLASS: Cahier p.13 (checked PS)
the WEEK of lundi le 22 octobre
- Textivate OWI (see below)
- OWI quiz (to see story and bios for your class click on OWI tab
- Cahier p.13
- Faisons les magasins! Cahier p.5 (Vocab)
- IN CLASS: finish vocab pages 6-7 Quizlet
- B BLOCK: Click HERE for Textivate - OWI. Remember all students username is Kingswood1. Scroll down for your password and copy into student password box when logging in.
- C BLOCK: Click HERE for Textivate - OWI.
- Remember all students username is Kingswood1. Scroll down for your password and copy into student password box when logging in.
(ALL) Extra credit word search due tomorrow.
- TEST TOMORROW - Bon Appetit
- Packets due/hand in before test.
the WEEK of lundi le 15 octobre
Bon Appetit packets due on MONDAY
UPDATE**TEST Bon Appetit will be on TUESDAY 10/23
- IN CLASS THURSDAY - prendre worksheet B BLOCK ONLY - HAND IN
- Cahier p.71
- Brandon Brown Speaking Assessment!
- Check Powerschool for cahier pages - packet due MONDAY
- Test TUESDAY - Bon Appetit
- IN CLASS WED: Cafe! If you did not participate, write a sample restaurant dialogue and see Madame at TASC.
- Practice Brandon B Speaking - Assessment on Friday
- Packets to be turned in on MONDAY - check Powerschool for pages due.
- B BLOCK: "prendre" worksheet
- C BLOCK: cahier p.65
- B Block:
- C Block:
the WEEK of lundi le 8 octobre
- JOURNAL: You will write down the French sentences you hear in Madame’s video. Click here for FLIPGRID. Listen as many times as you need to. Be sure to leave a space in your journals between sentences as you will translate those into ENGLISH when done. This is the Brandon Brown summary.
- Complete Bon Appetit cahier page 70.
- Conjugate the following 6 regular -IR verbs on the blank sheet the substitute will hand out to you: (finir/grossir/choisir/maigrir/réussir/grandir)
- If you have time before the movie starts, review vocabulary lists 1 & 2 on Quizlet.
C BLOCK THURSDAY (Use your checklist!)
- Click HERE FOR FLIPGRID and write down the French sentences you hear in Madame’s video on white lined paper provided to you. Listen as many times as you need to. Be sure to leave a space between sentences as you will translate those into ENGLISH when done. This is the Brandon Brown summary.
- Complete Bon Appetit packet page 70.
- If you have time before the movie starts, review vocabulary lists 1 & 2 on Quizlet.
- Click HERE to go to Textivate for BB. Scroll down for Student Passwords. When done practice speaking with a partner or partners. Speaking summary Assessment with Madame next week!
- Complete cahier pages 9-10. For infographic click HERE. Fill out as much info as you can!
- Compete cahier page 11 for YOURSELF as Partenaire A. Then ask your partner and record his/her responses in Partenaire B column.
- Continue watching Ratatouille after 45 minutes for the rest of the class.
- IN CLASS TUESDAY - Cahier p.66
- IN CLASS TUESDAY - Review BB story with pictures
- IN CLASS TUESDAY - Review vocabulary 1 (Kahoot)
- IN CLASS TUESDAY - Discuss "café", cahier p.7
- LES DEVOIRS: Cahier p.69 Use the menu on cahier p.68 to answer questions!
- Quiz TOMORROW on BB veut un chien (true/false)
the WEEK of lundi le 1 octobre
- Cahier p.66
- Study vocab EXPRESSIONS
- Cahier p.68
- Study vocab 2 list (Quizlet tab)
- Cahier pp.5-6 (Classwork).
- Cahier p.67
- IN CLASS ON TUESDAY: Complete Textivate Sequence for your class character SEE BELOW (Shaq or Lenny).
- Remember all students username is Kingswood1. And copy your password (scroll down) and put into Student Password box.
- B BLOCK Textivate Sequence for Shaq and Textivate Sequence Block B Story
- C BLOCK Textivate Sequence for Lenny/Textivate Sequence Block C l'histoire
- Cahier p.63 (classwork)
- Cahier p.64 (homework)
the WEEK of lundi le 24 septembre
- VOCAB QUIZ FRIDAY - Breakfast items on cahier pages 3-4
- IN CLASS ON FRIDAY: Complete Textivate Sequence for your class character (Shaq or Lenny). Remember all students username is Kingswood1. And copy your password (scroll down) and put into Student Password box.
- B BLOCK Textivate Sequence for Shaq
- C BLOCK Textivate Sequence for Lenny
- B BLOCK: Do pages 62-63 Bon Appetit packet cahier
- C BLOCK: Do page 62 in Bon Appetit packet
- Do pages 61 in Bon Appetit packet cahier
- Quiz on THURSDAY
- Do pages 3-4 vocabulary list by clicking on Quizlet tab.
- Quiz on THURSDAY
Cahier p. 11 Trotro part en vacances video
Cahier pp. 12-13 Petit ours decouvre la mer
Cahier pp, 14-15 Infographique
Cahier pp. 16 Peppa Pig vacances au soleil
*All packets (cahiers) will be collected on Friday 9/21.
If you are doing the extra credit option, click HERE for the infograhic and complete page 14 ONLY.
If you are doing the extra credit option, click HERE for the infograhic and complete page 14 ONLY.
Block B ONLY, Cahier p. 19 Please read below.
From the unit's essential questions:
- Qu’est-ce que c’est, “Les grandes vacances?” What are “les grandes vacances?”
- Que font les français pour leurs vacances? What do the French do for their vacation?
- Comparez les vacances de moi et mes élèves aux vacances françaises. Compare the vacations of myself and my students to French people.
Using all resources from the unit, answer the questions above on Cahier p.19 (blank). Think about the books, short videos, infographic, and film Le Petit Nicolas. You may write in English!
jeudi le 20 septembre
Blocks B & C:
1. Click on the video here and watch Peppa Pig. Remember to slow speed down to 0.75! Complete lesson 6 on cahier pages 16-17, #1-19.
2. Packets will be collected tomorrow.
mercredi le 19 septembre
1. Complete Cahier pp. 12-13, Lecon 4, Parts A & B only. To see the video click here Petit ours decouvre la mer. MAKE SURE TO SLOW DOWN SPEED TO .75!
mardi le 18 septembre
A Block:
1. Cahier pp.10-11. For infographic click for here .
Stop after completing Comparing Cultural Perspectives #2 on page 11.
C Block
1. NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT, except to work on completing packets if not up to date and any missed work.
lundi le 17 septembre
1. Brandon Brown ch 1 questions
2. Collecting cahiers (unit packets) this Friday
2. Collecting cahiers (unit packets) this Friday
vendredi le 14 septembre
1. Blocks B&C vacation stories are due on Monday - there will be no more class time to complete these. They are worth a test grade. Block C make sure to share your presentations with me at jgarry@govwentworth.k12.nh.us
jeudi le 13 septembre
Bloque B = story books due tomorrow, you will have time in class to assemble them!
Bloque C = presentation slides about your vacation due tomorrow
mercredi le 12 septembre
1. Work on your story (les vacances). Due Friday.
2. Quiz Thursday - OWI character (read your copy or click on OWI tab to review) and Madame Presentation (click above to review)
lundi le 10 septembre
1. Cahier pp.3-5
2. Etudiez vocab - interro jeudi 9/13
2. Make sure cahier p.1 is done with your answers as best you can; en français! We will conference this week.
1. Cahier pp.3-5
2. Etudiez vocab - interro jeudi 9/13
2. Make sure cahier p.1 is done with your answers as best you can; en français! We will conference this week.
Bloque C: Presentation story template click here
Bloque B & C: To review Les grandes vacances de Madame click here
mercredi le 5 septembre
Honors - Pas de devoirs!
CTP = finish cahier p.1
jeudi le 6 septembre
Bloque B = Finish Cahier p.1
Bloque C = Finish Textivate Sequence (click on Textivate tab for instructions)
Honors - Pas de devoirs!
CTP = finish cahier p.1
jeudi le 6 septembre
Bloque B = Finish Cahier p.1
Bloque C = Finish Textivate Sequence (click on Textivate tab for instructions)
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